Faith Orchard chickens enjoying Spring free range, looking for those bugs & green grass they haven't seen all WINTER.
PopPop & grandson Jacob, enjoying a tease of SPRING weather ;o) Gathering 'apple prunings' together.
Baby Holly Hock seeds started last yr. Survived the winter.
The LORD has been teaching ME to 'BLOOM' where HE has planted ME.TINY 'RED BUDS' on our Majestic Maple, she is getting ready for the SPRING & SUMMER.
Last photo but 'grandson Jacob' is TOP PRIORITY. This little guy LOVES the 'outdoors'!! Butterflys, Fishing, walks in the woods with Daddy & PopPop, and having FUN making MUD.........Grandson Jacob was once a little 'BUD' that has blossomed into a little guy, he grew soooo quickly, much faster than the Miss Majestic Maple.dear GOD, hear my prayer for my grandchildren, all 6 of them, help them to LIVE 2 please YOU, O GOD !! LUKE 2:40 And the CHILD grew & became strong in Spirit, filled with WISDOM; and the GRACE of GOD was upon him.