Today is the day the LORD hath made - it is Fri. October 14, 2011. October is a 'most beautiful month' so it deserves to be written out completely PSALM 118:24 - This is the day the LORD hath made, let us REJOICE & be GLAD in it !!
It started out as 'rainy Fri.' here at Faith Orchard, but now, the 'SUN' is peeking thru the clouds, the leaves on the Maple trees are turning vibrant colors, the leaves are also falling. Dear LORD, please keep many of them from dropping their leaves too soon, so we may ENJOY the color for a couple wks. longer.
By NOON time, there came another storm, the sky turned DARK GREY, winds blew strongly, the RAIN blasted the earth fiercly, then after about 15 min. the SUN shone through, the RAIN stopped, as suddenly as it began !! ;o) Remind yourself that whatever trials come your way, the SON of GOD, IS BEHIND THOSE CLOUDS, WATCHING OVER YOU. Also, remind us dear Father, that even though the LEAVES shed themselves from the trees for the winter, YOU 'NEVER LEAVE US' at any season of the yr. YOU - O LORD promise to 'never us or forsake us' - Hebrews 13: verses 5 & 6 - then go back & read 'all' of chapter 13, only 25 verses, and the last chap. of Hebrews. ;o)
It started out as 'rainy Fri.' here at Faith Orchard, but now, the 'SUN' is peeking thru the clouds, the leaves on the Maple trees are turning vibrant colors, the leaves are also falling. Dear LORD, please keep many of them from dropping their leaves too soon, so we may ENJOY the color for a couple wks. longer.
GOD'S BLESSINGS 2 you today, may 'you' SEE them when they arrive & thank the LORD for each one of them, no matter how small they may seem. GOD is the GIVER of 'all' GOOD GIFTS
Sincerely, GOD'S CHILD from Faith Orchard