This top photo is a restful spot as U walk the steps into our Apple Barn at Faith Orchard. The plant beside the 'bench' is called Autumn Sedum, it is 'unique' because it changes 'shades' of apricot to med., then bright PINK !! As U are about to enter the Apple Barn, this is our 'flag' that greets U to our 'wonderful SMELL' of many varieties of APPLES !! We also have a few chickens out back, you might come on a day when we have an extra dozen ;o)
We 'truly' LOOK FORWARD to having 'you' visit Faith Orchard ;o)
ROMANS 10:17 is our verse- FAITH comes by 'hearing' and 'hearing' by the Word of GOD. We are not 'visible' from the main rd. which is Crusher Rd., off of Rt. #724 or #345, but coming UP Crusher Rd., you will see an ORCHARD SIGN on the 'left side' of the rd., it is our 'private macadem drive', we are the only house back here with our ORCHARD. It is a 'beautiful peaceful HAVEN', once you reach the top of our driveway near the house & the apple barn !!!
WE are here to 'serve YOU', wih delicious tasting fruit, & to hopefully encourage YOU as well.
Wayne & Toni Myers - phone #610-582-4401
We also have an 'email' address that U can reach us. It is -