PRUNING SEASON - Winter 2013
Charity #2 & Orchardist Wayne
Look 'closely' and you will see Orchardist Wayne in the background, caring for GOD'S ORCHARD, preparing the trees to Produce a good crop of apples for Autumn 2013. We are also praying for a larger customer turnout for this coming season, cause we believe the LORD is going to bless us with a 'much larger apple crop' this yr., based upon 'growth & pruning conditions'; so LORD willing & weather conditions; IT'S 'all' in GOD'S hands; there is no better place 2 'bee' than in GOD'S hands.
This statement is true also for our Spiritual Condition; GOD 'prunes' us as well for HIS USE, there are certain conditions that must be according to GOD'S standards; GOD prunes the 'useless, damaged & unecessary parts' out of our lives, to be useful for HIM. As humans, we need 'constant pruning'; to know what HE wants us to be & do, we must follow HIS manual, that manual is the HOLY WORD of GOD. Romans 10:17 says Faith comes by hearing & hearing by the Word of GOD; GOD gave us that verse 23 yrs. ago for Faith Orchard. Each yr., the trees become 1 yr. older, just as Wayne & I also become 1 yr. older; so each year, it is by FAITH in HIM, that we witness 'what GOD will do in and thru this Orchard & in our personal lives'.
PSALM 46:10 says "BE STILL & KNOW THAT I AM GOD"; that is hard to accomplish, esp. when we are younger & full of life & energy, but as we grow older it becomes easier physically to become 'still', but not necessarily in our mind & spirit; there is still a constant struggle with our humanity to 'bee still' before the LORD'; so just 'BEE STILL & FOCUS on GOD & HIS WORD, & allow the Spirit of GOD to take hold of your 'quiet stillness'.........the SPIRIT of GOD is HIS GIFT to us !! I spelled the 'word - be' as BEE, purposefully. Years ago I went to a Women of Faith Conference & one of the speakers, Thelma Wells said 'PRAY 2 GOD for ourself to 'BEE' all that GOD wanted us to be, when HE CREATED US. HAVE a wonderful day, for THIS IS the day the LORD has given us to LIVE 4 HIM !! AS we learn to LOVE HIM, HE blesses us abundantly, beyond all that we can ever imagine; it is HE that gives 'real purpose & meaning' to our lives.
Tomorrow is Wayne's birthday - we have 'only today-only this minute', GOD gives us each breath we take, it is up to us to use & make of it, what is 'best', and GOD promises to do the rest, so others will be 'blessed'
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow |
YOU are loved by GOD with an 'everlasting love & underneath are HIS everlasting arms' Deuteronomy 33:27
Keep cking this site for updates on progress of Faith Orchard & some spiritual food 4 thought as well.