For the FALL season 2010, we will open Thurs. Sept. 9th. Our hrs. are Mon. thru Fri. - 10am till 6pm. Sat. is 10am till 5pm.
PSALM 34:8 OH,TASTE & SEE that the LORD is GOOD, BLESSED is the man 'person' who trusts in HIM.
Miss Owl greets U at the top of the Ochard steps, as proceed on the red brick path to the Apple Bldg. Miss Owl only has 'one eye', been missing one for awhile, but she still can SEE very well, keeping watch over the ORCHARD. BUT, there is 'someone' watching over the ORCHARD MUCH GREATER than Miss Owl. The LORD HIMSELF 'watches' over FAITH ORCHARD, cause this Orchard belongs to HIM.
Look closely, you will see a BEE, enjoying this Sunflower. The sunflower turns in the direction of the SUN, just as GOD'S SON- JESUS 'turned the direction', GOD had planned for HIM, those yrs. HE walked upon the earth.
This is our gorgeous Maple tree, I call it "Majestic Maple" Enjoying the view is our Lab mix "Charity', just waiting to 'officially GREET someone' as they come to Faith Orchard on GOD'S Mountain. We have fruit for purchase (lots of it), mainly apples & pears. We have our own chickens, behind the Apple Bldg. So you might be fortunate to come on a day when we have an extra doz. or two ;o) !! Our chickens are 'brown egg ' layers.
In Summer, there are beautiful hydrangeas, white pholx named David, some day lilies & annuals bringing 'beauty' to the entrance of our sales rm. Not 4 sale, just for 'beauty'.of the Orchard grounds.
This Orchard is loan to us, from GOD......we are taking care of it for HIS USE. Our name is Wayne & Toni Myers. Wayne is the self-taught Orchardist, in his 21st yr. of Orchard maintenance !! Wayne is getting ready to fill our apple jugs with the 'pure pressed cider' from our 'very own apples'. Wayne mixes 15 to 20 varieties of apples for one batch of 'delicious' Cider. Many varieties, a mixture of sweet & tart, makes the BEST cider.
We make our cider at Bauman's Cider Mill in Sassamansville. We have been going to Baumans about 8 yrs., it takes about 30 min. to make approx. 30 gallons, compared to 2 1/2 hrs. to make cider on a 'hand-made press'. Wayne made his own cider press, used that for about 12 yrs., till it became 'labor intensive'.
We have 50 varieties of apples, we sell about 30 varieties, the other 20 go into Cider. There are many antique & modern varieties, many that U will 'not find' in your local grocery store, because the commercial Orchards do not grow them any longer. Each one has it's own unique flavor, tart or sweet, mixture of both........each with a diff. flavor. OH soooo FRESH.........& flavorfull !!
We hope to see U this FALL......we are located at 42 Crusher Rd, Douglassville, PA. 19518
We are between Reading and Pottstown. They are several ways to travel to reach our Orchard. Our phone # is - 610-582-4401
Our Orchard season runs from Sept. 9th till end of Dec. This Orchard is maintained by Wayne only, so when U visit, U may have to wait your turn to purchase fruit at times. On busy days, Wayne & I both are in the bldg. to help with your purchase. If U like a 'slower pace' of life, then U will enjoy visiting us !! We can't & don't hurry like we used to do.......;o) This is not a 'business only', this is a MINISTRY - business, we are here to serve you. Enjoy the remainder of the Summer !! Cause after Fall, comes Winter again. ;o)