4 COOLER WEATHER !!! Been 'lookin forward' to this !! Here we R again, in the middle of another APPLE season ;o) We now have SunCrisp, Cameo, Golden Delicious, Stayman Winesap, North.Spy & Spi-Gold, we still have also the 'Sept apples' All apples are stored in our 2 rm. coolers 4 freshness 4 YOU !! Proverbs 7:v.2-3- Keep 'God's commands' & LIVE, And my LAW as the apple of your EYE. Bind them on your fingers: Write them on the tablet of your HEART.
WE have some N.Y. cheese pumpkins 4 pies 4 sale, also some goose neck pumpkins. Have our 'own HONEY, from our HIVES in the back of the Apple barn. Our friend Barry, is the BeeKeeper !!
Making CIDER wkly., people that SAY, they DON'T LIKE 'Cider', come back 4 our CIDER. GOD'S APPLES & Wayne's BREW of mixtures.
Wayne , Toni & Charity HOPE 2 SEE U soon !!!