Faith Orchard Apple Sales Bldg.

Faith Orchard Apple Sales Bldg.
Inside our Bldg., Wonderful aroma & favorful apples

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

October 2011 - beautiful month

Today is the day the LORD hath made - it is Fri. October 14, 2011. October is a 'most beautiful month'  so it deserves to be written out completely   PSALM 118:24 - This is the day the LORD hath made, let us REJOICE & be GLAD in it !!
It started out as 'rainy Fri.' here at Faith Orchard, but now, the 'SUN' is peeking thru the clouds,  the leaves on the Maple trees are turning vibrant colors, the leaves are also falling. Dear LORD, please keep many of them from  dropping their leaves too soon, so we may ENJOY the color for a couple wks. longer.
By NOON time, there came another storm, the sky turned DARK GREY, winds blew strongly, the RAIN blasted the earth fiercly, then after about 15 min. the SUN shone through, the RAIN stopped, as suddenly as it began !!  ;o)  Remind yourself that whatever trials come your way, the SON of GOD, IS BEHIND THOSE CLOUDS, WATCHING OVER YOU. Also, remind us dear Father, that even  though the LEAVES shed themselves from the trees for the winter, YOU 'NEVER LEAVE US' at any season of the yr. YOU - O LORD promise to 'never us or forsake us' - Hebrews 13: verses 5 & 6 - then go back & read 'all' of  chapter 13, only 25 verses, and the last chap. of  Hebrews. ;o)
GOD'S BLESSINGS 2 you today, may 'you' SEE them when they arrive & thank the LORD for each one of them, no matter how small they may seem. GOD is the GIVER of 'all' GOOD GIFTS
 Sincerely, GOD'S CHILD from Faith Orchard

Thursday, September 22, 2011

September 2011 at Faith Orchard

Sat. Sept. 17 - Started out well this morning, with a good amt. of customers coming all at one time. It's been a mixed day, with 'rain & then sunshine'. But the SON is always with us, that's the reason for this ORCHARD ! We have most of our Gala apples picked & small amts. of some other varities, compared to last yr., this yr. is somewhat less, cause of the over abundance last yr., so next Fall should be a bumper crop again, LORD willing. For anyone that has never been here before & our returning customers, I am posting some photos, which some of you might enjoy. We also have ongoing picking of various varieties almost every wk. till mid Nov., ending with Granny Smith variety.

Monday, September 5, 2011

OPEN for the 2011 season - FRUIT

We are opening Thurs. Sept. 8th for the 2011 season, we currently have Gala apples, & some Plums. This is wk one of the Orchard.  
Hours - Mon. thru Fri. - 10am till 6pm
Sat. - 10am till 5pm -
SUNDAY - Closed
Romans 10:17 - FAITH comes by HEARING & HEARING by the WORD of GOD.

When you arrive, 'blow the car horn', we'll be out to greet you and open the door, hopefully the taste & smell of apples will bring you back for more ! Charity has been waiting all yr. to give you her 'greeting' too. She'll wag her tail, sniff you some, to find out, if you are someone new, she'll give you doggie kisses too.
Hope to see you all soon ! ;o)

Wayne  & Toni and Charity

Thursday, April 21, 2011

What is Maundy Thursday?

What is Maundy Thursday?

It is the eve. of the Last Supper JESUS had with His Disciples, HE told them to LOVE ONE ANOTHER, then HE proceeded to wash their feet. Those words are meant for us today also, if we call ourself a 'follower' of JESUS.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Spring has come to Faith Orchard

Faith Orchard chickens enjoying Spring free range, looking for those bugs & green grass they haven't seen all WINTER.
PopPop & grandson Jacob, enjoying a tease of SPRING weather ;o)  Gathering 'apple prunings' together.
                                                                      Baby Holly Hock seeds started last yr. Survived the winter.
The LORD has been teaching ME to 'BLOOM' where HE has planted ME.
TINY 'RED BUDS' on  our  Majestic Maple, she is getting ready for the SPRING & SUMMER.
Last photo but 'grandson Jacob' is TOP PRIORITY. This little guy LOVES the 'outdoors'!! Butterflys, Fishing, walks in the woods with Daddy & PopPop, and having FUN making MUD.........Grandson Jacob was once a little 'BUD' that has blossomed into a little guy, he grew soooo quickly, much faster than the Miss Majestic Maple.
dear GOD, hear my prayer for my grandchildren, all 6 of them, help them to LIVE 2 please YOU, O GOD !!  LUKE 2:40 And the CHILD grew & became strong in Spirit, filled with WISDOM; and the GRACE of GOD was upon him.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Fall & Winter 2010 & 2011

dear friends,  Hello from Faith Orchard on GOD'S MOUNTAIN in PA. !!  ;O)
So much has happened sooo quickly, since we closed the doors of the Orchard Bldg. at the end of  Dec. 2010. We have had quite a few pretty SNOW storms, lots of 'cold weather'.. We are now in March 2011, we are seeing signs of Spring. This Sat., we set our clocks ahead 1 hr., to SPRING FORTH into longer daytime hrs. What a beautiful 'cycle of NATURE' GOD has created for PENNA. It is a beautiful state, as my Father always said when I was a little girl.......he was correct. He was in WW II, and was in Europe & other places, he said PA  was one of the most beautiful places he had ever seen !!  Remember that old TV show, "Father Knows Best"..........he really did, and still does. Our great 'Heavenly Father' knows ALL & KNOWS BEST  about everything, cause HE is the CREATOR of  ALL !!

My 'Orchardist Husband' with our Charity #2

Sunset thru the Arboretorium window at LongWood Gardens
 I WILL continue my blogging about Faith Orchard, but will also 'integrate' into this blog, impt. things of 'interest' to our Heavenly Father, such as "Perssecuted Christians' around the world, North Korea, I've read is one of the HOTTEST SPOTS 4 Christian Persecution at this time.
Please ck.out the Prisoner Alert link for the latest news & updates on Christian Prisoners 4 CHRIST JESUS., many in Muslim countries. Two of the latest prisoners are women & their husbands, arrested on Sept. 4, 2010..........Arezo Teymouri , wife of Arash Kermanjani, in Iran and Pastor Vahik Abrahamian & his wife Sonia Keshish. For the first 40 days, they were held in solitary confinment & reportedly suffered physical abuse & psychological pressure. Pastor Vahik's wife Sonia, who was pregnant when she was arrested, is said to have suffered a miscarriage, her fourth one. They are accused of various offenses, includ. propagating Christianity, opposing the Islamic Republic of Iran & having contact with exiled oppostition figures.   The   will give detailed info on 'how to write encouraging letters' in their language to them. They have a choice of Bible verses & phrases to choose from, which are then tranlated into 'their language'.
Till next time, "May GOD make HIS FACE to SHINE UPON YOU".
sincerely, Toni from Faith Orchard, for Wayne & I both - 'my Orchardist husband'