Sun Crisp is a newer variety without much history, but has good breeding, including ancestors such as Cortland, Cox's Orange Pippin and Golden Delicious. SunCrisp has a pleasant scent like Gold.Delicious.It has thin skin, with the inside of apple being 'crisp' & firm. It tastes semitart, when first picked, the flavor is very definite, it mellows some in storage. It is harvested in Oct., keeps in refrigeration till Jan.
SpiGold is a large apple, crossed with Northern Spy & Golden Delicious. It was bred in N.Y. state & released in in 1962. This is a wonderful tasting variety , good 4 baking or eating out of hand. It is crisp & sweet with an aromatic sweetness. Spigold ripens from late Sept. thru November, they keep good for up to 3 months.
Scripture is James 1:17 - Every good gift & every perfect gift is from above & comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.
A Christian non-profit ministry to support GOD'S WORK, selling apples & pears mostly. Romans 10: verse 17 Faith Comes by Hearing & Hearing by the Word of GOD
Monday, October 18, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
Cooler Days & Nights
4 COOLER WEATHER !!! Been 'lookin forward' to this !! Here we R again, in the middle of another APPLE season ;o) We now have SunCrisp, Cameo, Golden Delicious, Stayman Winesap, North.Spy & Spi-Gold, we still have also the 'Sept apples' All apples are stored in our 2 rm. coolers 4 freshness 4 YOU !! Proverbs 7:v.2-3- Keep 'God's commands' & LIVE, And my LAW as the apple of your EYE. Bind them on your fingers: Write them on the tablet of your HEART.
WE have some N.Y. cheese pumpkins 4 pies 4 sale, also some goose neck pumpkins. Have our 'own HONEY, from our HIVES in the back of the Apple barn. Our friend Barry, is the BeeKeeper !!
Making CIDER wkly., people that SAY, they DON'T LIKE 'Cider', come back 4 our CIDER. GOD'S APPLES & Wayne's BREW of mixtures.
Wayne , Toni & Charity HOPE 2 SEE U soon !!!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Greetings from Faith Orchard.....Oct. already !!!
We have had our first 'apple pressing 4 Cider'. Customers have reported it tastes 'really GOOD'.
Most of the apple varieties have been picked, are being stored in our 2 coolers, waiting 4 you. ;o)
We have Gala, McIntosh, Honey Crisp, Empire, Macoun, Jonathan, SunCrisp, Golden Delicious, Stayman Winesap, & Northern Spy.
We will 'press apples' wkly. for the next few wks. Placing an order for the Cider helps us know 'quantity' to make, also assures you of Cider when U come !!
Our greatest HOPE here 'below', is to get help from GOD above, who is the Father of LOVE.
Psalm 18:6 - In my distress, I called upon the LORD, & cried out to 'my GOD'; my cry came before HIM, even to HIS ears... Did U know, apples have STRESS also ? The weather affects the health of the tree. So just as we look to the LORD 4 our 'physical & spiritual health', so too, we must PRAY to the LORD, for the health of our 'trees' in times of seasonal distress. Our spiritual health needs prayer at all times, so we may 'commune with GOD'. HE is the 'giver' of all GOOD GIFTS !!!
"There is nothing permanent, but CHANGE"--"Life is like a ladder: every STEP we take is either Up or Down" and "The taller a Bamboo grows, the lower it bends"
May the LORD give us a 'beautiful OCTOBER' !!! WE look forward to seeing you soon....Wayne & Toni & Charity-our Lab mix, at Faith Orchard
We have had our first 'apple pressing 4 Cider'. Customers have reported it tastes 'really GOOD'.
Most of the apple varieties have been picked, are being stored in our 2 coolers, waiting 4 you. ;o)
We have Gala, McIntosh, Honey Crisp, Empire, Macoun, Jonathan, SunCrisp, Golden Delicious, Stayman Winesap, & Northern Spy.
We will 'press apples' wkly. for the next few wks. Placing an order for the Cider helps us know 'quantity' to make, also assures you of Cider when U come !!
Our greatest HOPE here 'below', is to get help from GOD above, who is the Father of LOVE.
Psalm 18:6 - In my distress, I called upon the LORD, & cried out to 'my GOD'; my cry came before HIM, even to HIS ears... Did U know, apples have STRESS also ? The weather affects the health of the tree. So just as we look to the LORD 4 our 'physical & spiritual health', so too, we must PRAY to the LORD, for the health of our 'trees' in times of seasonal distress. Our spiritual health needs prayer at all times, so we may 'commune with GOD'. HE is the 'giver' of all GOOD GIFTS !!!
"There is nothing permanent, but CHANGE"--"Life is like a ladder: every STEP we take is either Up or Down" and "The taller a Bamboo grows, the lower it bends"
May the LORD give us a 'beautiful OCTOBER' !!! WE look forward to seeing you soon....Wayne & Toni & Charity-our Lab mix, at Faith Orchard
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
"Grandson KYLE Wayne helping PopPop plant smaller Root stock trees"
Wed. Sept. 22, 2010
Picking apples 2 wks. ahead of normal, on all varieties. The 'hot DRY Summer', has ruined a lot of the apple crop, but we still have enough to 'sell'. We've been hearing the other Orchards have had the same problem, cause of the weather. It is somewhat frustrating, when U 'do ALL that needs to be done' for apple production, and your crop doesn't turn out as you had planned.
But we are reminded often that we aren't in control of the 'plans'; only GOD knows the 'plan'. We are 'Faith Orchard', and this is the plan we must go by, Faith in HIM. It's HIS Orchard.
We are getting at this moment, 'much needed rain'........thank 'you' LORD.
We do have some great eating & baking apples in our Cooler rms., that were 'not ruined'. We have at this time Gala, McIntosh, Jonathan, Jonagold, Golden Delicious, SpiGold, and a few others. We are now taking orders for 'Cider', to be ready by Thurs. Sept. 30 or Fri. Oct.1. It is 'best' to ORDER, that gives us an idea of how much we need to make.
We hope you decide to 'ck. us out'... we are here to sell U 'fresh great tasting apples'.
Wayne & Toni @ Faith Orchard
Grandson Kyle helping PopPop to plant some 'smaller rootstock' apple trees, in March 2009.
The beauty of a butterfly in Autumn before the Winter sets in again for another year.
Picking apples 2 wks. ahead of normal, on all varieties. The 'hot DRY Summer', has ruined a lot of the apple crop, but we still have enough to 'sell'. We've been hearing the other Orchards have had the same problem, cause of the weather. It is somewhat frustrating, when U 'do ALL that needs to be done' for apple production, and your crop doesn't turn out as you had planned.
But we are reminded often that we aren't in control of the 'plans'; only GOD knows the 'plan'. We are 'Faith Orchard', and this is the plan we must go by, Faith in HIM. It's HIS Orchard.
We are getting at this moment, 'much needed rain'........thank 'you' LORD.
We do have some great eating & baking apples in our Cooler rms., that were 'not ruined'. We have at this time Gala, McIntosh, Jonathan, Jonagold, Golden Delicious, SpiGold, and a few others. We are now taking orders for 'Cider', to be ready by Thurs. Sept. 30 or Fri. Oct.1. It is 'best' to ORDER, that gives us an idea of how much we need to make.
We hope you decide to 'ck. us out'... we are here to sell U 'fresh great tasting apples'.
Wayne & Toni @ Faith Orchard
Grandson Kyle helping PopPop to plant some 'smaller rootstock' apple trees, in March 2009.
The beauty of a butterfly in Autumn before the Winter sets in again for another year.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Beautiful Fall day !!
This top photo is a restful spot as U walk the steps into our Apple Barn at Faith Orchard. The plant beside the 'bench' is called Autumn Sedum, it is 'unique' because it changes 'shades' of apricot to med., then bright PINK !! As U are about to enter the Apple Barn, this is our 'flag' that greets U to our 'wonderful SMELL' of many varieties of APPLES !! We also have a few chickens out back, you might come on a day when we have an extra dozen ;o)
We 'truly' LOOK FORWARD to having 'you' visit Faith Orchard ;o)
ROMANS 10:17 is our verse- FAITH comes by 'hearing' and 'hearing' by the Word of GOD. We are not 'visible' from the main rd. which is Crusher Rd., off of Rt. #724 or #345, but coming UP Crusher Rd., you will see an ORCHARD SIGN on the 'left side' of the rd., it is our 'private macadem drive', we are the only house back here with our ORCHARD. It is a 'beautiful peaceful HAVEN', once you reach the top of our driveway near the house & the apple barn !!!
WE are here to 'serve YOU', wih delicious tasting fruit, & to hopefully encourage YOU as well.
Wayne & Toni Myers - phone #610-582-4401
We also have an 'email' address that U can reach us. It is -
Friday, September 3, 2010
EARLY DAYS of Faith Orchard
This is the 'beginning years' of Faith Orchard.
Approx. date is Fall 1991 - Wayne used to go to various Fall Festivals to display the apples, that GOD taught him to plant & raise to produce 'fruit'.
That was 20 some yrs. ago........During that time, little did we know, that GOD planned on doing some 'pruning' in our own 'spiritual lives'. Having an 'Orchard' and 'growing in CHRIST', was GOD'S plan 4 our lives.
Wayne is a 'bit' younger on these photos, than what U will see on our updated 'Blog' from 2010 !! ;o)
Today is Sept. 3, 2010 we have APPLES 4 sale, & open 4 business. Our first variety, GALA is now ready 4 sale.
Also have Cox Orange, McIntosh, Arlet, Honey Crisp, at this time.
Arlet originated in Switzerland, it is a cross between Golden Delicious & Idared. It is harvested in Sept., is a pleasantly tart & sweet apple It can be refrigerated for 2 to 3 months.
Cox's Orange Pippin came from Bucks, England. It is a firm, juicy,full flavored apple. Can be picked mid Sept. thru mid Oct. and kept into cold storage up to January.
GALA was developed in New Zealand, around 1920 It is a cross between Golden Delicious & Kidd's Orange Red. The apple wasn't named & introduced until the 1960's. It is 'crisp & dense' with a 'mild SWEET flavor'. Harvested in PA in Sept., will keep 3 to 4 monhs in refrigeration. It can be used for baking, dried, use in cider OR eaten as desert out of hand, all purpose apple.
Honey Crisp is a 'modern variety' originating in Minnesota, approx. date - 2001. It is a 'Crisp & Sweet' apple, very good.
McIntosh was developed by a farmer named John McIntosh in Dundas Co., Ontario, Canada. The variety was introduced in 1870. It is a soft tart apple, good 4 applesauce, some like it in pies. Harvest in Sept. This variety is NOT a good keeper, gets mealy if kept too long. Macs are a principal 'cider apple' in the NorthEast of PA.
We have many varieties of apples, Antique & Modern. They ripen from Sept. to late Nov. We hope U decide to stop by and taste some of GOD'S apples at Faith Orchard in Douglassville, PA.
We can be reached at #610-582-4401 or sent an email at
Thank you for reading this !!
Approx. date is Fall 1991 - Wayne used to go to various Fall Festivals to display the apples, that GOD taught him to plant & raise to produce 'fruit'.
That was 20 some yrs. ago........During that time, little did we know, that GOD planned on doing some 'pruning' in our own 'spiritual lives'. Having an 'Orchard' and 'growing in CHRIST', was GOD'S plan 4 our lives.
Wayne is a 'bit' younger on these photos, than what U will see on our updated 'Blog' from 2010 !! ;o)
Today is Sept. 3, 2010 we have APPLES 4 sale, & open 4 business. Our first variety, GALA is now ready 4 sale.
Also have Cox Orange, McIntosh, Arlet, Honey Crisp, at this time.
Arlet originated in Switzerland, it is a cross between Golden Delicious & Idared. It is harvested in Sept., is a pleasantly tart & sweet apple It can be refrigerated for 2 to 3 months.
Cox's Orange Pippin came from Bucks, England. It is a firm, juicy,full flavored apple. Can be picked mid Sept. thru mid Oct. and kept into cold storage up to January.
GALA was developed in New Zealand, around 1920 It is a cross between Golden Delicious & Kidd's Orange Red. The apple wasn't named & introduced until the 1960's. It is 'crisp & dense' with a 'mild SWEET flavor'. Harvested in PA in Sept., will keep 3 to 4 monhs in refrigeration. It can be used for baking, dried, use in cider OR eaten as desert out of hand, all purpose apple.
Honey Crisp is a 'modern variety' originating in Minnesota, approx. date - 2001. It is a 'Crisp & Sweet' apple, very good.
McIntosh was developed by a farmer named John McIntosh in Dundas Co., Ontario, Canada. The variety was introduced in 1870. It is a soft tart apple, good 4 applesauce, some like it in pies. Harvest in Sept. This variety is NOT a good keeper, gets mealy if kept too long. Macs are a principal 'cider apple' in the NorthEast of PA.
We have many varieties of apples, Antique & Modern. They ripen from Sept. to late Nov. We hope U decide to stop by and taste some of GOD'S apples at Faith Orchard in Douglassville, PA.
We can be reached at #610-582-4401 or sent an email at
Thank you for reading this !!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Summer & Fall at Faith Orchard - 2010
For the FALL season 2010, we will open Thurs. Sept. 9th. Our hrs. are Mon. thru Fri. - 10am till 6pm. Sat. is 10am till 5pm.
PSALM 34:8 OH,TASTE & SEE that the LORD is GOOD, BLESSED is the man 'person' who trusts in HIM.
Miss Owl greets U at the top of the Ochard steps, as proceed on the red brick path to the Apple Bldg. Miss Owl only has 'one eye', been missing one for awhile, but she still can SEE very well, keeping watch over the ORCHARD. BUT, there is 'someone' watching over the ORCHARD MUCH GREATER than Miss Owl. The LORD HIMSELF 'watches' over FAITH ORCHARD, cause this Orchard belongs to HIM.
Look closely, you will see a BEE, enjoying this Sunflower. The sunflower turns in the direction of the SUN, just as GOD'S SON- JESUS 'turned the direction', GOD had planned for HIM, those yrs. HE walked upon the earth.
This is our gorgeous Maple tree, I call it "Majestic Maple" Enjoying the view is our Lab mix "Charity', just waiting to 'officially GREET someone' as they come to Faith Orchard on GOD'S Mountain. We have fruit for purchase (lots of it), mainly apples & pears. We have our own chickens, behind the Apple Bldg. So you might be fortunate to come on a day when we have an extra doz. or two ;o) !! Our chickens are 'brown egg ' layers.
In Summer, there are beautiful hydrangeas, white pholx named David, some day lilies & annuals bringing 'beauty' to the entrance of our sales rm. Not 4 sale, just for 'beauty'.of the Orchard grounds.
This Orchard is loan to us, from GOD......we are taking care of it for HIS USE. Our name is Wayne & Toni Myers. Wayne is the self-taught Orchardist, in his 21st yr. of Orchard maintenance !! Wayne is getting ready to fill our apple jugs with the 'pure pressed cider' from our 'very own apples'. Wayne mixes 15 to 20 varieties of apples for one batch of 'delicious' Cider. Many varieties, a mixture of sweet & tart, makes the BEST cider.
We make our cider at Bauman's Cider Mill in Sassamansville. We have been going to Baumans about 8 yrs., it takes about 30 min. to make approx. 30 gallons, compared to 2 1/2 hrs. to make cider on a 'hand-made press'. Wayne made his own cider press, used that for about 12 yrs., till it became 'labor intensive'.
We have 50 varieties of apples, we sell about 30 varieties, the other 20 go into Cider. There are many antique & modern varieties, many that U will 'not find' in your local grocery store, because the commercial Orchards do not grow them any longer. Each one has it's own unique flavor, tart or sweet, mixture of both........each with a diff. flavor. OH soooo FRESH.........& flavorfull !!
We hope to see U this FALL......we are located at 42 Crusher Rd, Douglassville, PA. 19518
We are between Reading and Pottstown. They are several ways to travel to reach our Orchard. Our phone # is - 610-582-4401
Our Orchard season runs from Sept. 9th till end of Dec. This Orchard is maintained by Wayne only, so when U visit, U may have to wait your turn to purchase fruit at times. On busy days, Wayne & I both are in the bldg. to help with your purchase. If U like a 'slower pace' of life, then U will enjoy visiting us !! We can't & don't hurry like we used to do.......;o) This is not a 'business only', this is a MINISTRY - business, we are here to serve you. Enjoy the remainder of the Summer !! Cause after Fall, comes Winter again. ;o)
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